

Track 1 of 3 (32:18)
Gabriel distinguishes the two ways of practicing in the yoga tradition: proximity and investigation. Few Westerners find proximity to a guru as their path, while persistent investigation toward one’s own dream fits our culture’s rugged individualism quite well. Each of us weaves the tale of our own lives. We each come from a cultural heritage rich with idioms and folktales. As storehouses of wisdom, stories help us to think symbolically, sparking the imagination and fueling our native dream. Highlighting the importance of telling stories, Gabriel shares a story from Africa and a story from the Hassidic tradition.

Track 2 of 3 (20:20)
Gabriel lays out the characteristics common to good teachers and great teachers, as well as the hallmarks of masterful teachers. Yoga is such a broad-based discipline that yoga teachers must not only address fitness, but also religion, psychology, and medicine as part of the whole of yoga. Gabriel provides practical pointers to advance your teaching, such as how to inspire others through your own inspiration, teaching to the 3 primary learning modalities, understanding the healing process, and managing a growing class size. He also shares the teaching of the Tribe of the Sacred.

Track 3 of 3 (36:24)
In the Western world, most of our practice time is spent off the mat in the yoga of relationships in everyday interactions with others. In order to both respect ourselves deeply and treat others well in our hectic society, we must address and express even our confusing and most difficult emotions. Gabriel’s yoga expertise informed by his Master’s in Psychology enables him to parse the complex dimension of emotional life into accessible clarity. He provides the perspective that all emotions are divine influxes that come from The Beyond as a guide.